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MTC - by Munich Re & in-tech endorsement claim

Start with us into the future of mobility

Do you want to revolutionize the mobility ecosystem? With us, you will create confidence in the latest technologies and data-driven solutions at the interfaces between mobility providers, the automotive industry and insurance companies.

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    The Mobility Technology Center is your accelerator for safe and climate-friendly mobility solutions

    In the fast-changing mobility landscape, sustainability is reliant on technological progress. However new ideas for electric mobility, autonomous driving and data-driven services need rapid marketability, possibilities for comparison with conventional offerings and the confidence of all stakeholders, in order to be able to develop their full potential in the mobility market. 

    In its interdisciplinary teams, the Mobility Technology Center bundles the expertise needed to help players in the mobility market design innovations safely and sustainably, and quickly acquire partners, investors and customers.

    Our mobility experts
    Andreas Bradt
    Andreas Bradt
    Managing Director
    Driver assistance systems | Autonomous driving | E-vehicle safety
    Stefan Gregor
    Stefan Gregor
    Managing Director
    Connected vehicles and mobility | New mobility services | Digital platforms
    Patrick Mohr
    Patrick Mohr
    Innovation Manager
    Expert for Project Management | Design and Implementation of Innovation Projects with Mobility Service Providers

    The Mobility Technology Center is backed up by its strong founder network

    With its combined experience and expertise, the Mobility Technology Center transforms uncertainties, which can make it hard for new mobility products and services to be placed on the market, into sustainable opportunities. For customer projects, the MTC also works hand in hand with investors, supporters and partners in its founder network, which includes Munich Re, ERGO, in-tech and MaLiBu.
    Munich Re is the world’s biggest reinsurance company, with an extensive network of important primary insurers and industrial clients. It brings in its experience of covering the challenges of its clients in the mobility sector.
    Munich Re logo
    ERGO Mobility Solutions supports the MTC’s projects with its expertise in covering new risks associated with digital products and the interdisciplinary knowhow of its mobility and insurance experts.
    ERGO logo
    With over 1,700 developers worldwide, in-tech, as a leading development service provider for hardware and software solutions, promotes autonomous driving, electric mobility and smart mobility projects, and also supports the Mobility Technology Center with this expertise.
    in-tech logo
    This Munich-based company specializes in engineering services in the area of vehicle technology. The managing partner is Prof. Markus Lienkamp (Technical University of Munich). MaLiBu brings the latest insights from applied science and production-ready research into the Mobility Technology Center.
    MaLiBu logo

    Our Advisory Board

    The strong founders, investors and partners on our Advisory Board not only share our vision of the future of mobility but also provide advice and assistance to the Mobility Technology Center experts. 
    Mark Klein
    Mark Klein
    Chief Digital Officer, ERGO Group
    “The MTC is actively shaping the digital transformation and extending ERGO’s range of digital products for the mobility of the future.”
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp (TUM)
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp (TUM)
    Managing partner and CEO, MaLiBu
    “With the latest findings from science and research and its unique equipment, the MTC can test the boundaries of high-voltage batteries and driver assistance systems.”
    Christian Wagner
    Christian Wagner
    Founder, in-tech
    “The Mobility Technology Center creates confidence in innovations at the interfaces between the mobility, automotive and insurance industries.”

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